Kathmandu Council convenes in June
The Kathmandu Council on the Uncertain Human Future held its first session on June 2 and 3, 2017 at Shivapuri Heights Cottages on the edge of Kathmandu Valley. The group of eleven includes a range of environmental and human rights activists, scientists, writers and consultants, public health professionals, and an engineer.
Members of the Council are (front row, left to right) Frances Klatzel (co-convener), Mandira Singh Shrestha, Ramaya Thakali, Sadhana Shrestha, Tshiring Lama, Asha Basnyat (co-convener), and Sarah Buie (facilitating this session only). Back row left to right are Chhing Lamu Sherpa (co-convener), Linda Kentro (co-convener), Dibya Gurung, Tara Gurung, and Sara Subba. Missing is Anne Kaufman.
The second session of the Council will be held on September 3 in Kathmandu.
See member bios here.