Eco-Dharma Partnership


For over ten years, the Council on the Uncertain Human Future and the Natural Dharma Fellowship (NDF), have partnered in a rich and evolving collaboration of shared vision, intentions and concern. Together, through a variety of joint programs and practices, our partnership with NDF has furthered the possibilities for deepening awareness, practice and embodiment in and for these times.


Eco-Dharma Partnership


                        Weaving presence and listening,
awareness of our oneness with the Earth,
                                              and compassionate community…
                                   a path for these times.

            The shared concerns, intentions and vision of
CUHF and Natural Dharma Fellowship
                      underlie our rich, evolving partnership in
                                        programs and practices over the last decade.



Rewilding the Soul

In this year-long series (launched in 2023), participants are offered teachings and invited into meditation in wild spaces and Council practice. Together, we deepen wakeful awareness as we foster intimacy with the natural world and compassionate community… an ecosattva path alive to possibilities emerging from deep presence.

A new format has emerged for the coming series, launching in March 2024; click the link below for more information.


2024 series


Green Dharma Retreats

Green Dharma: Finding Presence in an Earth-Based Lineage, is a transformative journey to access our innate wisdom, deepen our oneness with the natural world, nurture community and lean together into what might be possible from here. First held in 2019, this annual gathering at NDF’s Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in Springfield New Hampshire is led by Lama Willa Baker, Lama Liz Monson, and Sarah Buie.

Please visit the NDF website for registration information on the upcoming Green Dharma Retreat in June 2024.


2024 retreat


Eco-Sattva Councils

Held in the intentional space of Council, EcoSattva Council members enter a deep collective reflection upon the interdependent planetary questions of our time. From a space of trust, insight and community, they listen for the collective and emergent wisdom that may arise between them.

The first EcoSattva Council was launched by CUHF and NDF at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge in 2017. Five full circles have been held since, either in person or virtually.


We are flows, we are the planet. The self doesn’t exist separately—there is inextricable communication with everything. Through respectful deep listening, as we do in Council, wisdom arises from the circle.

—Lama Willa Baker

            We are flows. As flows, we are not
                                 stewards of the planet. We are the planet.
                   As flows, we are not participants in Council.
                                                     We are Council.

                                                                                                            —Lama Willa Baker


        We live in a matrix of living beings
                   a fabric out of which everything rises and falls.
  If we see with the eyes of the heart
                          we know that interconnected, interwoven way of being,
              and can live in loving kindness to the self and all beings.

                                                                                                                     —Lama Liz Monson

We live in a matrix of living beings, a fabric out of which everything rises and falls. If we see with the eyes of the heart, we know that interconnected, interwoven way of being, and can live in loving kindness to the self and all beings.

—Lama Liz Monson


Block 4

Hildur Palsdottir

Hildur coordinates EcoDharma programming at Natural Dharma Fellowship, and serves as a Convener for Rewilding Councils.

Block 1

Barbara Waldorf

Barbara is the Co-Managing Director of Natural Dharma Foundation and a Steady Council Anchor for the CUHF EcoSattva Council.

Be radically present with what is. Act and be from that place—strong, attentive, and real.

—Lama Willa Baker