Clark University Council Three: Front row, left to right: Amy Wynne, Amber Murrey, Deb Robertson, Rachael Shea, Dana Marie Bauer; Back row, left to right: Sarah Buie, Rinku Roy Chowdhury, Jenny Isler, Srini Sitaraman, Walter Wright, Amy Richter.

Clark University Council Four: Front row, left to right: Walter Wright, Anne West, Ellen Foley, Pat Benjamin, Betsy Huang. Back row, left to right: Steve Levin, Steve Sagarin, Chuck Agosta, Hugh Manon, Andrea Panaritis.

New Faculty Council (Council 6): Left to Right: Elizabeth (Liz) Monson, Jessa Loomis, Amy Daly Gardner, Amy Wynne, Morgan Ruelle, Denise Bebbington, Walter Wright, Youjin Chung.
Launched 2015 | Higgins School of Humanities
Members of the Clark University faculty and staff have participated in seven CUHF Councils. The CUHF practice is foundational to Clark’s campus-wide climate initiative, A new Earth conversation, and curricular innovations taking place on campus.
Sarah Buie designer and educator, UHF Council convener
Sarah Buie is a designer / educator who encourages dialogic awareness within higher education and in relationship to climate change. She is Lead Convener of A new Earth conversation, a campus-wide climate initiative at Clark University, and Founding Convener of the Council on the Uncertain Human Future. She is Professor Emerita and Senior Associate / Past Director of the Higgins School of Humanities and its Difficult Dialogues initiative at Clark. See full listing above. (2015, 2016, 2017)
Ellen Foley medical anthropology
Ellen Foley is Associate Professor of International Development and Social Change. As a medical anthropologist, her research focuses on the social forces affecting the spread of disease. In 2010, she published Your Pocket is What Cures You: The Politics of Health in Senegal, and is the principal researcher on the “Sex in the City: Gender Relations amidst Social Crisis in Urban Senegal” project. (2015, 2016)
Amy Richter American history and women’s studies
Amy Richter is Associate Professor of History and Director of the Higgins School of Humanities. She is author of Home on the Rails: Women, the Railroad, and the rise of Public Domesticity and At Home in the Nineteenth-Century America: A Documentary History. Her main focus is on women’s and urban history in nineteenth and twentieth century America. (2015, 2016, 2017)
Walter Wright philosophy and environment
Walter Wright is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Philosophy, and served three times as Dean of the College over his Clark career. He is recently engaged with the theory and practice of dialogue, and has worked extensively on nineteenth century German philosophy. (2015, 2017)
Dianne Rocheleau environment and development
Dianne Rocheleau is Professor in the Graduate School of Geography, with interests in political ecology, forestry, gender, environment, and development. Before arriving at Clark, she served with the International Council for Research in Agroforestry as well as the Ford Foundation. She is the author of a number of published works. (2015)
Jody Emel environmental geography
Jody Emel is Professor of Geography, with work focused on natural resources, feminist theory, animal geography, hydrology, and development. In the past, Professor Emel was an environmental consultant and water resource planner. She has published a number of works concerning animals in society and mining. (2015)
Ken MacLean anthropology, human rights and environment
Ken MacLean is Associate Professor of International Development and Social Change. His work focuses on political violence, migration patterns, critical humanitarianism, and extractive industries, and is affiliated with the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. (2015)
Anita Fabos anthropology, refugee studies
Anita Fabos is Associate Professor of International Development, Community, and Environment. She engages with migration, the status of refugees in urban spaces, and the anthropology of ethnicity and race. As an anthropologist, she has conducted research relating to migration in the Middle East, parts of Europe, and the United States. (2015)
Cynthia Caron political and environmental sociology
Cynthia Caron is Assistant Professor of International Development and Social Change. With research experience in Southern Asia, she focuses primarily on political and environmental sociology. She has extensive experience working in international development and humanitarian assistance overseas. (2015)
Barbara Goldoftus environmental health
Barbara Goldoftas is Associate Professor and Program Director in the Department of Public Health at Bastyr University. She is focused on themes involving public health, previously working as a science journalist. Additionally, Dr. Goldoftus is involved in research concerning environmental and social forces affecting outbreaks of diabetes in parts of Nicaragua. (2015)
Ed Carr anthropology, geography, climate change and development
Ed Carr is Director of the International Development, Community, and Environment Department (IDCE). Having conducted research in sub-Saharan Africa, he is both an anthropologist and geographer concerned with themes of globalization, development, and environmental change. In his book Development: Globalization’s shoreline and the Road to a Sustainable Future, he critically engages with existing development theories and practices. (2016)
Tony Bebbington political ecology
Tony Bebbington serves as Director of the Graduate School of Geography and Higgins Professor of Environment and Society. He is also Professorial Research Fellow at University of Manchester and Research Associate of the Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales in Peru. His primary focus is on political ecology of rural change, extractive industries, social movements, indigenous organizations, and socio-environmental conflicts. (2016)
Usha Iyer screen studies
Usha Iyer is Assistant Professor of Film and Media studies at Stanford University (formerly at Clark in Screen Studies). She is interested in cinema, gender studies, performance, and, more specifically, Indian cinema. Her research identifies contributing factors in the formation of female stardom throughout the twentieth century. (2016)
Steve Levin contemporary literature and culture
Steve Levin is Associate Professor of English. He studies contemporary British and postcolonial literature, literary theory, and transnational cultural studies. More specifically, his research focuses on how contemporary culture and discourses of self- identity are shaped by twentieth-century global patterns. (2016)
Deb Robertson biology and physiological ecology
Deb Robertson is Professor of Biology and an Adjunct Professor at the Carlson School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. With contributions to numerous science journals, she is primarily focused on marine biology, molecular biology, and physiology. Her work on marine environments currently involves the processes of marine diatoms and other types of algae. (2016, 2017)
Sheila Onzere research scientist
Sheila Onzere is Research Scientist at Clark University. She is specifically interested in urban/rural sociology, food systems, and social policy and theory. In particular, she has conducted research on Eastern and South African food systems and institutional change. (2016)
Dana Marie Bauer environmental economics
Dana Marie Bauer is Assistant Director and Research Scientist at the George Perkins Marsh Institute at Clark. As an interdisciplinary researcher with a focus on conservation and sustainability, she applies economic and ecological theory towards assessment of ecosystem services, and policies and programs that aim to protect them. (2017)
Jessica Bane Robert writing and environment
Jessica Bane Robert is the Assistant Director of the Writing Center and a LEEP Center Adviser; she also teaches in the English departments and other interdisciplinary programs at Clark, often with an environmental focus. Her poems and essays have appeared in numerous anthologies and journals. (2017)
Rinku Roy Chowdhury geography, global environmental change
Rinku Roy Chowdhury is Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Geography at Clark. Her research focuses on human-environment interactions in a variety of arenas, and the evolution of adaptive strategies in the face of climate and political-economic change. (2017)
Jenny Isler sustainability
Jenny Isler is Director of Sustainability at Clark. She is involved in all aspects of the University’s efforts toward carbon-neutrality, and works with faculty, students and staff to engender sustainable practices and values throughout the community. (2017)
Amber Murrey geography and cultural anthropology
Amber Murrey is Visiting Assistant Professor in the International Development and Social Change program of IDCE at Clark. From decolonial, feminist, and geographical perspectives, she researches and writes on the transformations of life, place, and resistance in Cameroon, Burkina Faso, and Ethiopia. (2017)
Rachael Shea librarian and sacred community
Rachael Shea is the Head of Public Services at the Robert H. Goddard Library at Clark. As an adjunct faculty member at Clark, she integrates her understanding of Huichol and other indigenous traditions in her course Sustainability and the Sacred, and other forms of community exchange and relationship. (2017)
Srini Sitaraman political science
Srini Sitaraman is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Clark. His research and teaching focus on the United Nations, international relations theory, organizations and law, human rights, globalization and international political economy, and Asian politics. (2017)
Amy Wynne art and environment
Amy Wynne is a faculty member in the Studio Art Program at Clark, and also teaches at RISD, Boston College, and others. As a painter, she is concerned with the unity of nature and the human spirit, and hopes to encourage “re-enchantment with nature at a time when there is an urgent need for a renewed reverence for the land.” (2017)
Chuck Agosta physics and renewable energy
Chuck Agosta is Professor of Physics at Clark University, and recently served as Chair of the department. He is a low temperature experimental physicist and CEO of Machflow Energy, a clean-tech company. His renewable energy course, The Technology of Renewable Energy, focuses on technical and social issues of converting campus to a dc microgrid, and leveraging the cogeneration plant on campus and future renewable energy sources. (2017)
Pat Benjamin geography
Pat Benjamin is Associate Professor of Geography in the Department of Earth, Environment and Physics at Worcester State University. She teaches human geography and environmental studies courses and organizes environmental events on campus and in the community. She is interested in environmental history, sustainable food systems and the contemporary environmental movement. (2017)
Betsy Huang multi-ethnic literature, diversity and inclusion
Betsy Huang is Associate Professor of English at Clark University, and Director of the new Center for Gender, Race and Area Studies (CGRAS). She recently served for three years as the University’s Chief Officer of Diversity and Inclusion (CODI). Her research and teaching focus on the intersections of genre theory, cultural theory, critical race studies and 20th- and 21st-century U.S. multiethnic literature and culture. Her most recent publication is a co-edited collection, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and Societal Contexts (2018). (2017)
Hugh Manon screen studies
Hugh Manon is Associate Professor of Screen Studies at Clark University, Director of the Screen Studies program, and Director of the interdisciplinary program in Media, Culture & the Arts. His research specializes in psychoanalytic approaches to cultural theory, film noir, and transitions from analog to digital aesthetics. Prof. Manon has published in Cinema Journal; Film Criticism; Framework; Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, and in numerous anthologies, including recent articles on ASMR subculture, glitch art, and CGI in contemporary cinema. (2017)
Andrea Panaritis philanthropy
Andrea Panaritis is Executive Director of the Christopher Reynolds Foundation. The Reynolds Foundation has been focused on U.S. relations with Cuba, needs in that country and exchange with U.S. or regional groups, and how social, economic and environmental justice work elsewhere might be usefully linked to the Cuban experiment. (2017)
Steve Sagarin progressive education
Stephen Sagarin is Faculty Chair, co-founder and teacher at the Berkshire Waldorf High School in Stockbridge MA, and Associate Professor in Waldorf Teacher Education at Sunbridge Institute. Dr. Sagarin’s most recent book is The Story of Waldorf Education in the United States: Past, Present, and Future. (2017)
Anne West writer, curator, educator
Anne West is Senior Lecturer at Rhode Island School of Design. Her work as a writer, curator, educator and critic has played a defining role in graduate education there; she supports students across disciplines in conceptualizing and writing their Master’s thesis. Anne West is author of Mapping the Intelligence of Artistic Work and recent recipient of RISD’s John R. Frazier Award for Excellence in Teaching. (2017)